To read about any of the products offered here or to download a demo please feel free to explore the website.

Prices are subject to change, please check back regularly.

All prices below are exclusive of any local taxes

Software Abbreviation
Heat Exchanger SuiteHExS
Helical Coil Heat Exchanger DesignHCHex
Air Cooled Heat Exchanger Design ACHex
Condenser Design CnD
Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger Design S&THex
Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design DHex
Kettle Reboiler Design KRD
Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger Design PHex
Orifice Design Calculator OrD
WeBBusterZ Physical Properties Estimation PhysProps
PhysPro Fluid Properties PhysPro
Relief Valve Sizing Calculator RV
Process Engineering Calculator ProEngCalc
Quick Process and Instrumentation DiagramQuick P&ID
Vertical Thermosiphon DesignVTD
Decanter Sizing CalculatorDSC

Special Offers

Package NameIncluded softwareTotal priceOffer pricePurchase link
All Software[ ACHex, CnD, S&THex,
DHex, KRD, PHex,
HCHex, VTD ]*, ProEngCalc,
[ OrD, RV ]**, PhysProps,
PhysPro, Quick P&ID, DSC
£948.00£699Buy Now
HExSACHex, CnD, S&THex,
DHex, KRD, PHex,
HCHex, VTD , PhysProps, PhysPro
£774.00£549.00Buy Now
Pack 2CnD, S&THex, DHex,
KRD, PhysProps, PhysPro
£414.00£364.32Buy Now
Pack 3CnD, S&THex, KRD,
PHex, PhysProps, PhysPro
£424.00£373.12Buy Now
Pack 4CnD, S&THex, DHex,
PhysProps, PhysPro
£334.00£293.92Buy Now
Pack 5CnD, S&THex, PHex,
PhysProps, PhysPro
£344.00£302.72Buy Now
Pack 6CnD, S&THex, KRD
PhysProps, PhysPro
£334.00£293.92Buy Now
Pack 7DHex, KRD, PHex,
PhysProps, PhysPro
£295.00£259.60Buy Now
Pack 8ACHex, CnD, S&THex,
PhysProps, PhysPro
£344.00£302.72Buy Now
Pack 9 VTD, S&THex, CnD,
PhysProps, PhysPro
£344.00 £302.72 Buy Now
Pack 10ACHex, PHex, VTD,
PhysProps, PhysPro
£315.00£277.20Buy Now
Note: (*) Products are part of Heat Exchanger Suite – separate software version isn’t included.
(**) Products are part of Process engineering calculator – separate software version isn’t included. 

Customise you software bundle by Simply clicking on the purchase link for the product you are interested in, you will then be directed to our authorised re-seller’s web cart. Click on “Order Now” button and add the other products you want to bundle together.

Individual Products

PRODUCTS£GBP(British Pound)Volume Discountfastspring buy now button
HExS£549.002+ = 40% offBuy Now
DSC£49.003+ = -£15
5+ = -£20
Buy Now
ProEngCalc£80.003+ = -£15
5+ = -£25
Buy now
ACHex£90.003+ = -£25
5+ = -£40
Buy now
VTD£90.003+ = -£25
5+ = -£40
Buy now
HCHex£90.003+ = -£25
5+ = -£40
Buy now
CnD£110.003+ = -£45
5+ = -£60
Buy now
S&THex£99.003+ = -£19
5+ = -£39
Buy now
KRD£80.003+ = -£15
5+ = -£25
Buy now
DHex£80.003+ = -£15
5+ = -£25
Buy now
PHex£90.003+ = -£25
5+ = -£40
Buy now
OrD£40.003+ = -£15
5+ = -£20
Buy now
RV£40.003+ = -£15
5+ = -£20
Buy now
Quick P&ID£45.003+ = -£15
5+ = -£20
Buy now
PhyProps£35.003+ = -£20
5+ = -£25
Buy now
PhysPro Fluid Properties£45.003+ = -£25
5+ = -£30
Buy now
License Replacement Service /
Extra Licenses Purchase
From £30.00Buy now
Product Upgrade
(Any Webbusterz Software above)
15% off the purchase priceContact Us
Maintenance Plan RenewalSubscription
£72 per year
Contact Us
Software Support (Premium support per hour service)£125.00 Per hour
(Click to read about this)
Buy now
* Volume pricing example – if you want to order 4 licenses – check the volume discount column (3+ Licenses),  
for S&THex – Total price = (£99 – £19) x 4 = £320 GBP for 4 Single User Licenses

Network license Products

SoftwareBuy Now1 – 2
ACHexBuy Now£110.00-£40.00-£50.00-£20.00
CnDBuy Now£125.00-£45.00-£55.00-£65.00
S&THexBuy Now£130.00-£45.00-£55.00-£65.00
DHexBuy Now£100.00-£30.00-£40.00-£50.00
PHexBuy Now£110.00-£40.00-£50.00-£60.00
KRDBuy Now£100.00-£30.00-£40.00-£50.00
HCHexBuy Now£110.00-£40.00-£50.00-£60.00
VTDBuy Now£110.00-£40.00-£50.00-£60.00
PhysProBuy Now£65.00-£35.00-£40.00-£45.00
OrDBuy Now£60.00-£30.00-£35.00-£40.00
RVBuy Now£60.00-£30.00-£35.00-£40.00
ProEngCalcBuy Now£100.00-£30.00-£40.00-£50.00
Quick P&IDBuy Now£55.00-£15.00-£20.00-£25.00
* Volume pricing example – if you want to order 10 licenses – check the second column (10+ Licenses),  
for DHex – Total price = (£100 – £40) x 10 = £600 GBP for 10 Network Licenses

Enter quantity in quantity text box input and the volume discount will be applied for your order


Please Note: All products will require activation after purchasing – full instructions are included with the software

Please note: WeBBusterZ provide a software product and not a physical product, we cannot refund your money if you have activated and installed our product(s). Please check the Demo version, screen shots and video clips available on this website before you purchase the Full version.

Purchase of a software product doesn’t entitle the customer a permanent access to download links of the purchased version, please keep a backup of the software you purchase and maintain the license by following the recommended license installation procedures that are provided to you via email after purchase.

Please read our terms of sales and our Frequently asked questions for further information